Home Ricette Rewrite completly this title : Velouté de butternut par Cyril Lignac :...

Rewrite completly this title : Velouté de butternut par Cyril Lignac : la recette automnale parfaite in italian as human journalist wrote it for Google Discover.


Rewrite completly without any duplicate content for google in italian language the following text : Velouté de butternut par Cyril Lignac : la recette automnale parfaite. Rewrite the h2, h3 tags. Each sentence must be different from the original text. Rewrite in a full 400 words minimum engaged blog article for google discover in italian language, with html tag and format


, ,

  • , . Use 3 or 4 different subheading with

    html tag. Give it lot of nuance. No sentences longer than 10 words. Add transition words. Does not use passive voice. Write as real italian and human journalist wrote it for Google Discover. Add strategics keywords or sentences in .

    4.7/5 - (8 votes)
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